Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fr. Michael McGrath and Fr. Tony Gilhooly visited the school to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the children from 1st to 6th class in their Advent preparation for Christmas.
Christmas Show in the Temperance Hall
Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class and 2nd Class visited The Temperance Hall for the Christmas show ‘Rudolf saves Christmas’ by the Talisman Theatre Company. It was a wonderful experience for all the children (and grown ups!) who engaged with drama and interacted with the characters. The children thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Circus Corvinni visited the school on Monday 18th December. The children enjoyed performances of juggling, balance arts, comedy acts and a breathtaking contortionist act. Thanks to Stonepark Parents’ Association for co-sponsoring this treat for the children.
Bring and Buy Sale
6th class hosted the annual ‘Bring and Buy’ sale on Thursday 21st December. The sale generated the usual excitement and Christmas spirit and was enjoyed by all. These budding entrepreneurs and business people of the future baked buns, advertised, collected goods, painted nails, held competitions, sold raffle tickets, priced goods and wheeled and dealed to make this event a huge success. Míle buíochas Rang a Sé.
Winners in the raffle were: Nelly 4th class, Mia 3rd class, Mia 2nd class, Daisy 3rd class, Jessica 5th class, Aoife 2nd class, Troy 3rd class, Ally 3rd class and Roisín 6th class. Justin from Junior Infants guessed the name of the teddy: SNUGGLES and Mia from 3rd class guessed that there were 58 sweets in the jar.
Christmas Shows
The talented 5th class hosted their X-Factor show on Wednesday 20th December. Their audience was treated to acts of Synchronized Swimming, singing, dancing and magic tricks. Mrs. Browne, Simon Cowell, Santa Claus and Michael D. Higgins (our president) dropped by to adjudicate the competition!
The Junior Infant classes treated us to ‘The Lazy Shepherd’ story of the first Christmas. Well done everyone.
The first class children entertained us with their play ‘Elves on Strike’. Lucky enough the elves got down to work just in time for Christmas.
Children in other classes actively participated in Christmas making fabulous Christmas cribs and Christmas visual art and Drama within their own classrooms. Well done all and Happy Christmas.
Carol Service
Fr. Michael joined with us to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in our Carol Service. The children read the story of the first Christmas, prayers of the faithful and sang their hearts out at our prayerful carol service under our own musical director Ms. Leavy.