Green Schools Update

We are currently working really well on achieving our fourth Green Schools flag which is on the theme of Travel which is a two year programme. We aim to use more sustainable ways of travelling to school. Our aim is to increase carpooling from 30% to 50% and increase walking/park ‘n’ stride from 8% to 15%.

We are keeping scores of the people who use sustainable ways of travelling to school with carpooling and travelling by bus getting 1 point and walking, parking ‘n’ striding and cycling getting 2 points. The ‘Golden Boot’ and a prize will go to the class with the most points over a week. The first class to win were 2nd class. Congratulations to them. Keep up the great work in all the classes!


1) The Rocks and Silver Birches are our park ‘n’ stride locations.

2) The top of the Ballagh Road at Lisduff has been designated as a place to cycle to/from school.

3) We have a battery recycling facility here at school so send in all your used batteries!


Stonepark NS – Golden Boot