On Friday, 21st October we celebrated Ms. O’ Reilly’s 39 years of service to our school.
Fr. Michael McGrath celebrated mass in the Drama Room for Marian, her family and friends, her colleagues (past and present) and the pupils of Stonepark N.S. Children from each class and family and friends participated in the mass with readings, responsorial psalm, prayers of the faithful, the offertory procession, communion reflection and the choir conducted by Ms. Leavy. The Drama Room was beautifully decorated with bunting designed and made by each and every pupil. Marian was presented with gifts from the Board of Management, the Parents’ Association and the staff and pupils of the school. Photographs followed in the school yard that were published in the Longford Leader. Refreshments were then served in the staffroom. The celebrations were testament to the high regard and respect that Ms. O’ Reilly has earned during her time in Stonepark N.S.
39 years of teaching…
100s of students taught…
Many staff meetings!
Over 1000 cups of coffee…
And countless hours dedicated
to 1 lucky school!
A colleague, mentor and friend,
Ms. Marian O’ Reilly