Parental Questionnaire Maths

As part of Stonepark NS School Self Evaluation of Maths, we are requesting that you complete a short survey regarding your child’s learning in Maths. Please complete one survey for each child you have in the school by 1st May 2015. Your responses will assist us greatly in our planning process. Please click on the link here to take you to the online survey.

Parental Questionnaire English

As part of Stonepark N.S. School Self Evaluation of Literacy, we are requesting that you complete a short survey to assist us in our planning process. Please complete this online survey for each child you have in the school by Friday, 1st May 2015. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please click on the link here to bring you directly to the survey.



Reminder – Midterm Break

Stonepark N.S. will be closed on Thursday, 19th and Friday, 20th February for midterm break. We hope you enjoy it.

Yummy Pancakes!

The children and staff enjoyed pancakes  with a topping of their choice on Tuesday, 17th February to celebrate Pancake Tuesday. They were delicious. A huge thank you to the chefs on duty.

pancake tues

Visits to St. Mel’s Cathedral

3rd and 4th classes have been to St. Mel’s Cathedral to celebrate 10a.m. mass and to get a guided tour of the newly refurbished Longford landmark. Thanks to Fr. Padraig Kelliher for the very insightful tour.



Green Schools News

We have set some targets for our Green Schools Travel Flag…

1) to increase the number of children walking from 8% to 15%

2) to increase the number of children carpooling from 30% to 50%

We are holding our first ”Feet First Friday” on Friday, 13th March.

We will dress in green and as many children as possible will ”park ‘n’ stride” from Silver Birches or The Rocks depending on what which road you take to school. With the weather improving we aim to do this on a regular basis. Further information will be sent to parents shortly.

If you would like more information on carpooling you can click here.


Dates For Your Diary 2015

17th January, 7.30p.m…6th class – Commitment Ceremony

26th – 31st January…Catholic Schools Week

26th January…Junior infants – Vaccinations

10th February…Cyber-bullying Day

17th February…Pancake Tuesday, Green Schools Travel Workshops

19th & 20th February…Midterm Break

23rd February, 6.15p.m…6th class – Ceremony of Light

2nd – 6th March…Book week

7th March, 11a.m…6th class – Confirmation

10th March, 7.00p.m…2nd class – First Confession

17th March…St. Patrick’s Day, we will also be closed on Monday, 16th March

26th March…Grandparent’s Day

27th March, 12.30p.m. – 13th April, 9.20a.m…Easter Holidays

18th April, 2.00p.m…2nd class – First Holy Communion


Green Schools – Travel Flag

We are currently working on our fourth Green Schools Flag, Travel. We have successfully obtained the flags for Litter and Waste, Electricity and Water. We are being encouraged to use more sustainable ways of travelling to and from school. e.g. carpooling, walking, cycling, bus, park ‘n’ stride. You’ll hear lots more about these in the coming months.

bus carpool walk cycle

Order Your School Uniform

Make sure you order your school uniform on time this year. We are facilitating fitting for jumpers and sports kits on Friday 30th May.

School Summer Holidays

Stonepark National School will break for the Summer Holidays on 29th June, 2013.