Catholic Schools Week took place in our school from 30th January to 3rd February.
Peter and Margaret visited for our religious inspection.
We held a special prayer service on Thursday, 2nd February to celebrate ‘Caring for Our Common Home’.
A child from each class participated in the prayer service and we had special objects on display, namely a picture of Pope Francis, a candle and a globe of the world.
10 @ 10
On Friday, 10th February at 10.00a.m. the whole school took part in Operation Transformation’s 10 @ 10, a nationwide initiative inviting all primary schools in the country to drop all and do 10 minutes of physical activity. Such was the enthusiasm in our school that we extended it to 40 minutes!
The 6th class children had their Commitment Ceremony in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Sunday, 12th February. Ms. Mulvihill and the class are busy preparing for the Sacrament on Sunday, 21st May at 3p.m. in St. Mel’s Cathedral
Friendship Week took place from 13th – 17th February.
There was a very positive feel around the school with everyone making an extra special effort to be friendly and kind.
Each class learned the song ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars and did lessons around the theme of friendship. e.g. A friend’ship’ with all the class aboard, a friendship chain, kind deeds, secret buddy.
There was a competition run in each class also. There was such an array of talent submitted, from colouring and drawings to poems and stories. Congratulations to Daniel, Teresa Marie, Eoin, Troy, Aoife, Shannon, Sophia and Shakira who won in their respective classes.
We sold friendship bracelets in aid of Amnesty International and raised a whopping €300. Thank you to everyone who supported this worthy cause.
On Friday, 17th February, we held an assembly in which we heard and discussed the poem ‘The Crayon Box That Talked’ by Shane de Rolf. We had 8 statement read as to why we are thankful for our friends. We announed our competition winners and we finished off with a whole school performance of ‘Count on Me’.
Thank you to everyone who made the week so special.
On Ash Wednesday (1st March) Fr. Michael visited with ashes for the staff and pupils. Thank you to Fr. Michael.
Well done to the children in 4th class who participated in Cumann Scol Drámaíochta with a play called ‘Samhradh 69’ in Mullingar Arts Centre on Thurday, 2nd March. It was a wonderful experience for the children. Thank you to Ms. Newman and Master Leen for preparing the children for this.
Congratulations to Nathan Fitzpatrick who represented our school in the Co. Longford Eason Spelling Bee competition in St. Mary’s N.S., Drumlish on Monday, 6th March.
Congratulations to the children in Second Class who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) on Tuesday, 7th March in St. Anne’s Church, Curry. Thanks to Fr. Michael, the parents, Ms. Spillane and Sylvia for preparing the children and to Fr. Joseph who helped out on the evening.