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All the latest news, important documents etc.

The Safe Provision of Schooling Inspectorate Report April 2022

We are very happy to report that our school got top marks in ten key areas that were checked during a Safe Provision of Schooling Inspection in December 2021 – including Covid-19 Management & Compliance as well as Child Protection & Safety procedures… READ REPORT

COVID-19 Response Plan 2021

for the safe and sustainable operation of Primary and Special Schools… READ DOCUMENT

Parents Letter – Hallowe’en

On behalf of all my colleagues I would like to thank you for your phenomenal support over the past few months… READ LETTER

Parents Letter – August 2020

The parents letter contains important information with regard to our return to normal school life. Please take the time to read the letter in full, and discuss the information that is relevant with your child. READ LETTER

COVID 19 Response Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide clear and helpful guidance for the safe operation through the prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19 in Stonepark NS. READ DOCUMENT

COVID-19 Advice for parents

Information from HSE for parents. READ DOCUMENT

Allianz Personal Accident Insurance Form

Open Insurance Form

Co. Longford Spelling Bee


Michaela Hand from Fifth Class is the County Longford Spelling Bee Champion 2020. Congratulations Michaela and best of in the final in May.



PHOTO-2020-03-06-14-44-52 - Copy (2)Dancers

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Fifth class were very busy practising over the last few weeks to compete in Scór na mBunscoil in Killoe on Friday 6th March. We had entries in solo singing, recitation, novelty act, set dancing, disco dancing, tráth na gceist and figure dancing. Congrats to Mrs Trappe, Sylvia and the fifth class for representing Stonepark N.S so well.

Book Week

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Look at all the strange characters that arrived at Stonepark N.S on Book Week Dress Up Day!!!

Skip, Skip, Skip

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It was all about ‘skipping classes’ on Tuesday 2nd March!! Thanks to Mark from Skip n Rope and Parents Association for a great day of skipping!


Good Luck in the Semi-Final

Basketball Team in Semi Final

Best wishes to Stonepark NS boys basketball team and their coach Ms Leavy. The boys will face St Michael’s National School in the Longford Schools county Semi Final…….

Community Games Longford South Winners

Longford South CG Art Winners

Stonepark NS winners of Longford South Community Games Art Competition held recently at the school.

CG Handwriting

Stonepark NS medal winners who took part in the Longford South Community Games Handwriting Competition recently held at the school. Good luck in the County Finals!!

Band 2 Army Brigade

Thank you to the Aisling Festival Committee for facilitating a super morning with Captain Tom Kelly and the Band 2 Army Brigade from Costume Barracks, Athlone at Stonepark National School on Tuesday 5th November. A wonderful opportunity for all pupils!


Official School Opening Invitation

The Board of Management of Stonepark National School cordially invite past pupils, parents (past and present), people of Ballymacormack and surrounding areas to the celebration of the official opening of our school extension on Thursday 20th June @ 9am sharp.


Stonepark National School Extension was officially opened by Minister Joe McHugh on 20th June 2019.


September – December 2018

Sports Update

Rugby coaching from IRFU with Dylan Quinn has been ongoing in the senior classes this term. We hope to continue this coaching in the new year.

Gaelic Football coaching with James Moran will continue after Christmas.

Swimming lessons will continue as scheduled.

The senior school Basketball teams are currently participating in the County Longford Basketball League.

The volleyball season will start after Christmas.

Operation Christmas Child

This year we collected 168 boxes for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Thanks to all the children and parents for their most generous response.


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Fr. Michael McGrath, Fr McKiernan, Fr Joseph and Fr Reggi visited the school to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the children from 3rd to 6th class in their Advent preparation for Christmas.

Christmas Show in the Temperance Hall

Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class and 2nd Class visited The Temperance Hall for the Christmas show ‘Elfie Saves Christmas’ by the Talisman Theatre Company. It was a wonderful experience for all the children (and grown ups!) who engaged with drama and interacted with the characters. The children thoroughly enjoyed it.

Lighting of the Christmas Tree

Our school choir under the musical direction of Ms Leavy entertained parents and Grattans GAA at the lighting of the Stonepark Christmas Tree  celebrations on 7th December with a selection of Christmas carols and songs.


Bring and Buy Sale

6th class hosted the annual ‘Bring and Buy’ sale on Friday 15th December. The sale generated the usual excitement and Christmas spirit and was enjoyed by all. These budding entrepreneurs and business people of the future baked buns, advertised, collected goods, painted nails, held competitions, sold raffle tickets, priced goods and wheeled and dealed to make this event a huge success. Míle buíochas Rang a Sé and Ms Mulvihill. €812 was raised which will be used for school resources.

Bring and Buy 8Bring and BuyBring and Buy 5Bring and Buy 3Bring and Buy 1

Visit from Santa

The children in all classes were delighted to welcome Santa and his elves to the school on Wednesday 19th December. This year Santa brought PE equipment for all classes. Thanks to Geraldine and our hard-working Parents Association for organising this treat.


Christmas Shows

The talented 5th class hosted their X-Factor show on Thursday 2oth December. Their audience was treated to acts of  Synchronized Baby dancing, singing, dancing. Simon Cowell, Santa Claus , Queen Elizabeth 2 and Donald Trump (on an unofficial visit to Ireland!) dropped by to adjudicate the competition! The Stonepark Guinness Book of Records was even broken by David who recited the 50 states of America in 22 seconds!

5th class5th class 3     5th class 75th 5th class 4 5th class 5 5th class 6

The Junior Infant classes treated us to ‘The Lazy Shepherd’ story of the first Christmas. Well done everyone.Children in other classes actively participated in Christmas festivities by making fabulous Christmas cribs and Christmas visual art and Drama within their own classrooms. Well done all and Happy Christmas.

Junior InfantsJunior Infants Serena

Carol Service

Fr. Michael joined with us to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in our Carol Service on Friday 21st December. The children read the story of the first Christmas,  prayers of the faithful and sang their hearts out at our prayerful carol service under our own musical director Ms. Leavy.